viernes, agosto 29, 2008


La Facultad de Ingeniería y Negocios de nuestra Universidad acaba de crear el Plan Especial para la obtención del Título Profesional de Ingeniero Civil en Informática.

Este plan está dirigido a quienes deseen continuar sus estudios con el fin de obtener el título antes mencionado, siempre y cuando posean una formación en ciencias básicas e informáticas acordes con requerido (*)

El Plan Especial tiene una duración de cuatro semestres y se impartirá en horario vespertino.

(*) Más información en Facultad de Ingeniería y Negocios UCINF, Pedro de Valdivia 450. Teléfono 3930640.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Well, If you have ever thought of writing some script to automate those things that you are doing several times on a daily basis, then you have a great and easy way to automate the entir e process. It comes without saying that a few imacros and firefox add-ons can automate all actions connected to a browser (Mozilla). If you would like to automate your system as such, then you will need some other script, simple commands will automate your system. Even a beginner will automate things using a simple software called as sikuli all you need to do is to inform Sikuli what to do by giving some screenshots and easy commands.
A GUI can be used with Sikuli. Sikuli is an open siurce scripting application that will use a mix of straightforward commands like click, type, wait and so on. There's no internal API support, it just searches the screen for the image in the screenshot-which implies that you'll be able to use it for anything. There's literally no limit on how you use it to automate things.
This is too good to be true, but if you watch the subsequent video, you'll come to know that this is often extremely easy. If you visit their home page, you get a lot of tutorials and support; it will be a cake walk even for beginners. You'll check the video as well as get the software at [url=][/url]